

Tithing As A Way To Receive...More Money

Every morning Sara likes to watch the Today Show on NBC.  Sometimes the TV stays on during the morning as we are moving around or playing with Lewis.  On Tuesdays (my day off) when the TV is left on NBC, I sometimes watch parts of The 700 Club.  I know. I know.  It is embarrassing.  It is like a train wreck; you can’t look away. 

The other day The 700 Club was having their annual telethon to raise money for CBN.  The whole show was devoted to asking viewers to pledge to give a monthly tithe.  The way they achieved this goal was to show short videos about how tithing to CBN helped them out of their struggle.  Usually, the stories resulted in financial blessing.  

 Here is one of the video’s they showed.

Two of the biblical texts used during the show were Luke 6:38 and Matthew 6:31-33.  These verses were used to show that God promises that if we give (money), God will give (money) back to us.

Luke 6:38 says,

 Give, and it will be given to you. A good amount will be poured into your lap. It will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over.
 Matt. 6:31-33 says,

 So don't worry. Don't say, “What will we eat?” Or, “What will we drink?” Or, “What will we wear?”  People who are ungodly run after all of those things. Your Father who is in heaven knows that you need them.  But put God's kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do. Then all of those things will also be given to you.

A simple reading of these texts in their proper context reveals just how out of context these verses were used.  In Luke 6 Jesus is preaching his Sermon on the Mount.  At this point in the text, he is telling his followers to love their enemies and not judge others.  A better understanding of this verse is not greater financial blessing, but rather a greater blessing of grace and mercy heaped upon us.  Matthew 6 also is in the Sermon on the Mount text and Jesus is discussing worry.  Money is something that we sometimes do worry about.  It is certainly included within the “do no worry” realm in which this passage is trying to correct.  Yet, is Jesus saying that if we stop worrying about money and do what he wants us to do, (like tithe to CBN) that he will give us more money?  What is Jesus saying?  I think he is telling us that we will be given what we need.  We may need peace and relief from anxiety.

I know God works, and can work through the 700 Club.   But, is this good theology?  Personally, I cringe when I watch stuff like this.  What is the video telling us?  If you are struggling or need help, just give money (to CBN) and God will bless you financially.  I am sure this can happen.  I am sure it does happen.  What about those who have continued to suffer after giving?

Buddy Jones (our preaching minister) preached a sermon a few years ago titled God’s Math.   He told us a story about how he and his wife decided to test God financially.   When they were younger they tithed a large amount of money, about a months wages, and waited to see how God would bless them.  Eventually they ran out of money and didn’t have any food.  One evening a gift basket was left on their doorstep with a recipe and the food to make tuna casserole. 

Where was the multiplying? They gave 500 dollars…all they had!  Where was the 50,000 dollars!

Where was the blessing?  Well, they didn’t starve.  They learned the true application of Matthew 6:31-33.  God provided them with enough food to last them until their next paycheck.  They learned contentment and dependence on God.  Sometimes, when we test God, he tests us.  Maybe that is the truest blessing one can receive.  Yes, we give so that we can receive blessing from God.  But we must trust that God knows what will truly bless us. 

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